Comparative and International Education Research for Education for Sustainable Development in Asia

Research Outline

As various measures are being developed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on global issues, the role of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is gaining attention. In May 2021, the UNESCO International Conference on ESD was held and the Berlin Declaration was issued to promote ESD for 2030. The importance of ESD has also been included in the Course of Study in Japan; thus, all schools, including UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network at primary and secondary education and ASPUnivNet at higher education, must focus on nurturing “creators” for a sustainable society. In response to these movements, Sophia University launched a project, known as the Sophia-ESD project, to pursue research on the educational practices, policies, and theoretical significance of ESD. The research activities consist of three dimensions: (1) practical ESD, (2) evaluation model, and (3) comparative analysis. The goal is to engage in theoretical and practical research on ESD to enable high-quality and competency-based learning competencies. At the same time, we seek to expand our ESD education and research network in collaboration with relevant organizations in Japan and overseas.

Key Words: 
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), Comparative Education, International Education, Asia

General Information

Research PeriodAugust 2021-March 2024
Research FundSophia University Academic Research Special Promotion Project
RepresentativeMiki Sugimura
Department of Education, Faculty of Human Sciences, Sophia University
Research Members1) Masahiro Nasu
Professor, Department of Education, Faculty of Human Sciences, Sophia University
2) Masamichi Ueno
Professor, Department of Education, Faculty of Human Sciences, Sophia University
3) Taro Komatsu
Professor, Department of Education, Faculty of Human Sciences, Sophia University
4) Yasushi Hirosato
Professor, Center for Global Education and Discovery, Sophia University Managing Director, Sophia Global Education and Discovery Co., Ltd. (Sophia GED)
5) Hideki Maruyama
Professor, Faculty of Global Studies, Sophia University
6) Maria Manzon
Associate Professor, Department of Education, Faculty of Human Sciences, Sophia University
7) Sayaka Matsukura
Teacher of Ina Gakuen Junior High School, Collaborative Researcher of Sophia University
8) Ying Syuan Huang
International Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Collaborative Researcher of UNU-IAS and Sophia University
9) Van Nguyen
Graduate Student, Sophia University
10) Naoki Umemiya
Professor, Center for Global Education and Discovery, Sophia University
11) Brenson Andres
Ph. D. Student, Department of Education, Sophia University

Activities / Research Products

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